Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cooking and Baking

For those of you who have asked me what I eat and cook. Beans and Rice. This is what most of my meals look like. Sometimes it's eggs instead of beans, but I definitely eat a lot of tomatoes and rice. More food pictures to come in the future.
This is how you bake when your in the Peace Corps. For lack of pot holders, I had to use my fleece jacket. Maybe someone could email Cabelas and tell them how I use their product; it could get me a free gift certificate or something:)
Let it be said that most Malagasy people cook on charbon (sp?) aka charol (sp? also). (Have I mentioned that I can't spell English words now that I speak Malagasy so much?) Most PCVs, however, cook on a gas camp stove, which is what I use.

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