Saturday, June 5, 2010

Update from Mom

Talked to Kinsey today. She is doing good and staying busy. Couple of weeks ago her friend Megan came to her site. Megan, Kinsey and a new french girl who teachs french at the school went on a bike ride to check out a small village on the main road that is between Kinsey and Megan's site. It was 15 km (9miles one way). After riding 3 miles the french girl asked how much further? When the arrived at village Kinsey and Megan walked around to check it out, the other girl laid down and took a nap.
Kinsey plays basketball quite a bit with her students. She doen't give them and breaks. She is still as competitive as she was in high school.
This afternoon she and a friend were going to karaoke, then this evening they were going to a big concert. Was suppose to have barbeque with some friends because they asked her things she does on Memorial Day and she said barbeque. So they want to have one now, had to change to next week due to a conflict.
Kinsey wanted to let everyone to know not to send her anything (letters,packages) to her address after mid June. School is out July 17th. Then she goes for some training of trainers(so they can train in coming educational voluteers.) Then the end of July she packs up all her stuff to move. She will then go to training center in Tana(capital) to train the new arrivials. Thne on for a vacation(which she seems to do quite often) :). Then the first of September she will go to Diego(most northern town) to teach English at the Univeresity, for the last four months of her service.
Her address there will be: Kinsey Wethers,PVC
6 Rue Commandant Marchand
Place Kabary,
Antsiranana 201,
So she will be busy the next few months. Another new adventure. WOW!

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