Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sorry it's been so long since I updated my blog. For those of you who are not aware, I AM HOME IN BEAR LAKE now. After I was Consolidated at the PC training center for a little over two weeks in February, I went back to site for about three weeks. Then, the political situation in Madagascar worsened and Peace Corps decided to suspend the program. So, all PCVs were Evacuated to South Africa where we stayed for a week for medical clearance. I then decided to go on vacation for a few weeks before coming home. Kruger National Park is a great place for a safari and Cape Town is a beautiful city. I recommend them both if you ever find yourself in South Africa.

I'm in the process of organizing my pictures now. With over 1,500 it will take a while, but I will share them soon with anyone who is interested. Thank you again for you thoughts and concerns. Happy Easter and see you all soon.

A view near the market in my town.

Saying goodbye to one of my classes.